Instructions for e-Poster Presenters

Instructions for e-Poster Presenters

Thank you for presenting at N&G 2025

This page is designed to prepare you for your E-Poster presentation at N&G 2025 Conference. Please visit the page regularly for updates on technical requirements, deadlines and general information.

E-Poster Discussion Sessions

The E-Posters of selected abstracts will be presented in dedicated E-Poster Discussion Sessions at the On-site Conference in Athens.

Parallel E-Poster Discussion presentations will be given on Thursday, 20 February, Friday 21 February and Saturday, 22 February. All participants are invited to the E-Poster Stations to hear the short presentations and to ask questions. Each E-Poster Discussion Session will be guided by one moderator. Presenters should be at the E-Poster stations 10 minutes before the start of the E-Poster Discussion Session and remain there until the session has finished. Each presenter has been allocated 5 minutes total – 3 minutes to speak about his/her E-Poster, and 2 minutes for discussion.

E-Poster Viewing

E-Poster presentations will not have a dedicated session time and will be available for viewing through the E-Poster gallery on the Conference website, the mobile app, and at the E-Poster stations onsite.

Only E-Posters of registered participants will be displayed on-site & online. If you have not yet done so, you may find information regarding registration by clicking HERE.

Deadline for uploading your E-Poster(s): 12 February 2025.

E-Poster Guidelines

Prepare your E-Poster

E-Poster presenters will receive a dedicated link by email to upload their E-Poster(s) in due course

Technical specification for E-Poster preparation

 Please prepare your e-Poster as a 1-page PDF file in Portrait orientation.

If you wish, you may use a template that can be downloaded HERE

  • Language: All e-Posters should be prepared in English
  • File Format: PDF format – 1 page only
  • Orientation: Please create your document in PowerPoint in Portrait layout and save it as a PDF file
  • Font types: Arial, Calibri, Verdana, Times New Roman or Helvetica
  • Font size: 11 points or larger
  • Hyperlinks, animated images, animations and embedded videos are not permitted
  • QR Codes may be included
  • Images and tables: At least 200 dpi – good picture quality is essential
  • When inserting images, photos, tables, etc., please use simple copy-paste and do not use embedded documents – the system does not support embedded files – audio or video
  • Avoid overlapping objects and layers – only the final view/status will be visible
  • When saving your PDF please do not use symbols or special characters (ie. +/@/ü) in the file name
  • File size: Less than 5 MB

Please note: By uploading your e-Poster, you agree to having it published in the official Conference publications, on the Conference website and mobile app.

Please note, there will not be paper posters at N&G 2025

For questions, please e-mail

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